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NXT Recap: Episode 491

Last week on NXT: Halftime Heat happened. The most watched NXT match in WWE history. A crazy sprint that blew my mind. Cold Open Seems like NXT rarely has a cold open lately. Johnny…

205 Live Recap: Episode 115

Last week on 205 Live: Hideo Itami wrestled his final WWE match against Akira Tozawa in a losing effort. Mike Kanellis did what Mike Kanellis does and lost a match, this time to Kalisto. Tony Nese was suspended for jumping Noam Dar.…


Last week on MLW Fusion: It was rough y'all. MLW still is showing footage from some taping they did in front of a very bad crowd. Everything the past month or so has felt off. Kotto Brazil beat Vandal Ortagun in a fantastic match.…

NXT Recap: Halftime Heat

Last week on NXT: We are in the midst of a Takeover:Hangover with the matches taking place before the Takeover event. The Sky Pirates (Io Shirai and Kairi Sane) defeated Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke in a rather easy win. The Forgotten…

NXT Recap: Episode 490

Last week on NXT: Takeover happened. The War Raiders had a viking ass entrance and then won the NXT Tag Team Championship. Matt Riddle and Kassius Ohno had a match that Riddle won. Johnny Gargano embraced his evil and beat Ricochet for the…

205 Live Recap: Episode 114

Last week on 205 Live: Humberto Carrillo beat Gran Metalik in a surprise win. Hideo Itami won a triple threat match against Kalisto and Akira Tozawa. This will be Hideo's last win in WWE history because he has been granted his release from…