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Results & Recaps

NXT Recap Episode 462

Previously on NXT: The Street Profits distracted The Mighty to help Heavy Machinery get the win, Mustache Mountain won a match against people we probably won't see team again, EC3 won a match over everyone's favorite Kona Reeves, Shayna…

205 Live Recap Episode 89

Previously on 205 Live: Kalisto beat Tony Nese and then Buddy Murphy bullied Kalisto, Gulak and Alexander signed a contract, Ricky Martinez lost his job on 205 Live and Cedric Alexander defeated The Brian Kendrick. Cold Open Drake…

NXT Recap Episode 461

After last weeks barnburner of a show, the landscape has changed in NXT. This is the kick off point to the upcoming Takeover Brooklyn 4. NXT Takeover Brooklyn is like the Wrestlemania of Takeovers. I don't know if this was by design but it…

WWE 205 Live Recap Episode 88

205 Live has a problem with its champions. It's called the champions curse on some corners of wrestling internet. Cedric Alexander has been the champion since the titled was vacated by Enzo and the curse lives on. I don't need to go into…