An Endless Cycle

On every medium you always the legends of the past criticizing the present. For some is the fact that people listen to their controversial takes and make money out of them, and there’s others that actually do it as valid criticism. Wrestling is not the exception to this rule, you could even say it has the most example of this.

Wrestlers of the past criticizing what’s happening in today’s wrestling is something very common if you study wrestling history. Karl Gotch pretty much though Harley Race was a spot monkey. It’s the nature of the business. The main problem is when some people use their platform to spread hateful speech.

The wrestling business would benefit more if there were more legends like Sting. A legend that helps the younger generations but also adapted to the modern audiences, and learning from wrestlers of today. Everything in life evolves and wrestling should not be the exception, if it didn’t it would be a dead medium.

Learning history is also important. Trying to avoid the mistakes others did is key. Just look at AEW learning from WCW and to an extent TNA’s mistakes. The main thing is who gives the criticisms. Someone like Jim Cornette is not the best person to get your takes bout modern wrestling, especially considering he’s stuck in the 80’s.

This cycle of the `past hating the present could end in away. This generation has probably been the most criticized of all previous ones, but they are the most open to all kinds of wrestling and understanding wrestling is whatever you want.
