Mick Foley Asks Twitter to Consider Five Things Before Voting

Tomorrow is Election Day, and there has been lots of talk recently how professional wrestling has ties to politics as of late. Former Democratic Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang has been vocal about the third party edict WWE has enforced on its stars over Twitch and Cameo, and some have reached out to him after the ban was enforced in recent days. There has even been discussion on the donations professional wrestlers have made to presidential campaigns, as it has been revealed The Undertaker and Chris Jericho are among those who made donations to Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign.

No matter the political affiliation, wrestlers and other celebrities have encouraged their social media following to vote, and Mick Foley is no different in this regard. In a video posted to Twitter, Foley encouraged people to take part in “the most important election of our lifetimes.”

For those who are still considering who to vote for, Foley asked those fans and followers to consider five points before casting their vote, though he recognizes “nobody is on the fence” as to who they’re voting for, or at least so it seems.

You can watch his video below, and if you would like more information on how to register to vote last minute and learn more about your voting rights by clicking HERE.

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