Triple H Comments On Roman Reigns

Triple H appeared on the most recent edition of WWE’s “The Bump”, he would comment on the evolution of Roman Reigns’ character, and more. You can see some of Triple H’s comments below:

On Roman Reigns’ new character and his development

“I think what you are seeing now is the full finished product. Everybody goes through evolutions of who they are, what they want to be, what they want to accomplish with their life and their career. And for Roman, it’s always been different because of his family background and because of the dynamics of his family – all of the Samoan Dynasty, so to speak. And when you step into that arena with the pressure of your family on you, including The Rock, it’s heavy in what can you accomplish and what can you do? As you rise up through that – when you look at Roman, it’s hard not to think that this guy has everything possible to be not only a star in the WWE but in anything he wants to do. He looks like a movie star, he’s one of the most athletic guys on any roster, he’s smart, he’s articulate, he’s controlled and composed, he doesn’t get rattled, he doesn’t panic, he doesn’t stress – everything you could want.

“It takes a while to develop what’s there, I guess, and to trust in yourself that’s what you need to be to move on in life and as you move on through that, those goals change. What you see now, to me, is the finished article. This is the Roman Reigns that knows what he wants, has what he wants, is at the head of the table for his entire family. To me, I love what he’s doing right now. This is him. It’s honest and true. This is real, this is him. That’s why it feels so strong, and what he did on Sunday was proof to the world that maybe with the argument of a few people, he’s on a different level. There were moments in time in different eras of the business that you knew there were certain players, certain performers that were on a different level from everyone else on a day-to-day basis – just executing at a different level. Roman is there.”

On the biggest takeaways from the pandemic era in WWE:

 “It’s been an extremely difficult time. Shawn [Michaels] and I were talking about this the other day – I don’t know how I would’ve done, and he said the same thing, as a performer in an empty arena with people watching on video or a handful of people or a totally empty arena. It’s just not what we do. They’ve done an incredible job at doing it, all of the talent – this has been a team effort. This is one of those things when they say you show what you have in those difficult moments when everybody has to come together, and everybody rallied behind this and made it spectacular. And I think NXT especially has been able to consistently put on excellent programming and matches and stories and continued to deliver that excellence. But make no mistake about it that the fans are why we do what we do. And without them there, this is a different job. It’s hard to express. It’s funny, a few years ago, we did an ad campaign where Daniel Bryan walked down the ramp and there was nobody in the stands – we can’t do this without you, thank you. How relevant that is, right? The ability to look at that now and say ‘Man, it’s not the same.’ I can’t wait for that day when we can open up the doors and let everybody back in and the roar is going to be incredible. I think there are moments in time where it sparks that next evolution of the business. I think it’ll be that moment.”

Some strong words from Triple H there, ‘The Game’ clearly thinks Roman is WWE’s next mega star, and it’s hard to argue that point. Roman Reigns and his new ‘Tribal Chief’ character has received rave reviews from WWE fans, do you agree with Triple H, is Roman the next mega star of the company?

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