Stephanie McMahon Wants Talent To Use Social Media

As previously reported on, Vince McMahon has demanded all talent to stop using third party platforms of social media such as Cameo and Twitch. WWE has issued a public statement regarding this matter, stating they are looking to protect their intellectual property and partner with third party platforms on a company-wide basis.

In July of this year Stephanie McMahon took time to talk to Gary Vee, where she is quoted saying that she wants talent to take the opportunity and grow their brand by using the social network platform:

“Steve Austin tells this story of standing at the curtain and was watching somebody and he looked over at Vince at said, ‘You should really that kid a push, they’ve got something.’ My dad looked back and said, ‘All I can provide is the opportunity, the rest is up to him.’ Austin said that’s when the lightbulb went off for him. ‘Oh, this is really about me and my ability to listen and grow my brand.’ The talent we have today have more of an opportunity than anybody because of social media because they recognize the opportunity to build their own brand and their own voice inside and outside the ring. The more people engaged with you as a person, the more they want to see you perform (in WWE)

Despite the interview being a couple of months old, Gary Vee re-released the interview clip on Monday as part his new series How To Learn From Your Mistakes – Monday Marketing Takes.

Several wrestlers have spoken out regarding WWE’s new policy including Xavier Woods and Paige, two of the most prominent Twitch streamers in WWE.

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