How A Typical Week For A WWE Creative Writer Goes

Earlier this month, former WWE Creative writer Kazeem Famuyide sat down with Emilio Sparks from the Wrasslerap podcast to go over his entire time at WWE. Kazeem was able to open up a bit about how a typical week of writing goes in WWE.

There is two teams. There is a home team and road team. The home team, you’re in charge of mostly long term storylines. Baseline shit, ideas, pitches, writing from home, but your main objective is long term storylines. The road team, you’re in charge of what goes on TV tonight.

I was immediately put on the road team. I guess it’s because they knew my pedigree.

The writers room is probably the least stressful. You don’t necessarily throw ideas at Vince. It’s a process.

The real start of the week starts Wednesday. You start to put your one sheets together. The home team puts their one sheets together like, let’s see what we are going to do for Raw this week. Thursday, everybody comes back from travel, you’re all in a room putting together the sixteen segments of Raw. Thursday we put Raw together that is the least stressful. The Thursday night meetings is just lead writers that kind of go in with everything that we pitched and pitch it to Vince. The only pitches you get to do with Vince is the day of the show at the production meeting. The production meetings were stressful. If you are a lifelong wrestling fan, walking into the production meetings is a mind fuck. You go into a room with all the writers, then it’s like the producers, a who’s who of Hall of Famers. You, a bunch of guys, the commentary teams, and then it’s like Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Billy Kidman, Tyson Kidd, Devon Dudley, Road Dogg, everybody. You sit there and the doors swing open, in walks Hunter, Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn. Once the meeting starts, everyone stands up, Vince looks everyone in the eye and shakes hands. All the higher ups are really fucking nice, but they are straight shooters. I hate to say it but if you act like a pussy, they will treat you like a pussy. Working with Vince is awesome. You hear all these horror stories about him, and I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with Vince. A good job with Vince is he not calling you to Gorilla to tell you you fucked up.

Kazeem Famuyide on Wrasslerap
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