AEW Locker Room Growing Frustrated By Current Creative Direction

Things have certainly evolved for AEW since the company’s inception. As AEW approaches its five-year anniversary, the situation backstage is not as perfect as one might hope. The company has faced numerous challenges and changes, and while there have been many triumphs, there are also significant areas of concern that need addressing.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter highlighted that when AEW first launched, many in the wrestling world were skeptical about its longevity. Few believed it would last a year, let alone five. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which halted live events, only added to the doubts. Despite these odds, AEW has managed to not only survive but also thrive in many aspects, defying initial expectations and establishing itself as a significant player in professional wrestling.

AEW’s journey includes some remarkable achievements, especially in terms of television production and pay-per-view events. The tribute show for Brodie Lee is often cited as one of the best televised wrestling shows ever, showcasing AEW’s ability to create emotionally powerful content. Additionally, many matches aired on AEW television have been among the best seen on American-based TV. The quality of AEW’s PPVs has consistently exceeded expectations, both in terms of show quality and business success, cementing the company’s reputation for delivering top-tier wrestling entertainment.

However, creative challenges have emerged over time. AEW has invested heavily in certain talents who have not significantly contributed to the product. This has led to frustrations among the roster. AEW was initially seen as a fun place to work, with great backstage camaraderie, especially compared to WWE, where many talents felt they were constantly under pressure. Now, AEW wrestlers, despite earning good salaries, often find themselves frustrated by the lack of ring time and limited upward mobility within the company.

Looking ahead, the future of AEW under Tony Khan’s leadership remains uncertain. While the company continues to operate and maintain a strong presence in the wrestling world, it is clear that things are not as ideal as they were five years ago. The next steps for AEW will be crucial in determining whether they can recapture the initial excitement and camaraderie that defined their early years or if they will need to make significant adjustments to address the current challenges.

As AEW moves forward, the wrestling community will be watching closely to see how these issues are resolved. The company has demonstrated resilience and innovation in the past, and many hope that these qualities will help them navigate the complexities of the present and future. The path ahead may be uncertain, but AEW’s journey thus far suggests that they have the potential to overcome these hurdles and continue to grow as a major force in professional wrestling.
