Danhausen Has No Interest In Signing With WWE

Danhausen is completely happy where he is right now.

In a New York Times profile, Danhausen told author Dan Brooks he had no interest in signing with WWE. Danhausen believes that AEW is a better fit for his gimmick and he believes AEW is not a minor league organization in addition to performing in front fan audience who appreciates his craft.

He told me he had no interest in signing with W.W.E., the logical next step in any wrestler’s career, because he felt A.E.W. was better suited to his act. That was, of course, the correct thing to say, but it also seemed true. For him, A.E.W. is not the minor league so much as a place where Danhausen can be Danhausen, in front of an audience who appreciates what he is doing.

New York Times Profile on Danhausen

Danhausen would go on to explain why he feels that way.

“I like to take people’s presentation once it’s gotten over, once it’s gotten popular and been accepted,”

“If you find people that have gotten over with a smaller, hard-core audience, often if you give them a chance on national television, the hard-core audience will vouch for them.”

Danhausen to The New York Times

Full-screenDanhausen might be happy in AEW now, but WWE’s larger pay checks can change anyone’s mind. Usually, it depends on opportunity and money for a lot of past and current Superstars in the company. That being said, AEW also has deep pockets. For now, Danhausen is happy to continue cursing members of the AEW roster.

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