MLW & The Art of The Press Release

Press releases are important in any business, not just in pro-wrestling but they can become a problem if your press releases are the only thing your promotion is known for, and some could say that’s a problem MLW is facing for quite some time now.

MLW and Court Bauer never lose an opportunity to release a press release to inform fans but mostly media what’s going on with MLW at any given time. The press releases of MLW have the only purpose to give MLW some attention with media. This strategy has been pretty smart to an extent and MLW keeps going to this well.

The reason MLW keeps going to the well of press releases is the fact not many fans watch their product and press releases allow MLW for fans to remember them but despite all this, people don’t watch MLW or don’t make an impact on discussion circles or even on social media. If you pay attention, you’ll realize that very few people watch and follow MLW closely.

For many, it feels like Court Bauer is more focused on getting the attention of wrestling media sites than about the actual product he is delivering for MLW. MLW has good wrestlers in their roster like Hammerstone but very few talk about him or the MLW product.

MLW had the opportunity multiple time to be an alternative to WWE or AEW and to become maybe a third big promotion in the US scene but they are losing that momentum to promotions like GCW. MLW has a good major league presentation at times but what’s missing is in terms of actual in-ring content. It’s been a very long time since match in MLW was considered a match of the year contender. Wrestling fans nowadays care more about the in-ring product and not delivering on that is causing MLW to become irrelevant in the minds of many.

MLW has the potential to be an alternative to the big two promotions in the US, they already have the presentation part but that’s about it. MLW is getting into the IMPACT territory of people stopping completely from caring about the promotion but without the heights TNA had at times. Will MLW change? That’s hard to tell, you don’t have any clues that could indicate MLW plans to change for the better but it feels like MLW feels comfortable in the spot they are currently in the wrestling scene of the US.
