IMPACT Wrestling Talent Johnny Swinger Signs New Deal

IMPACT Wrestling has kept one of their “national treasures”, Johnny Swinger.

While Swinger was chatting with Tommy Dreamer on the House of Hardcore Podcast, it was revealed that Swinger signed a new contract with IMPACT. Swinger stated that it is for one year which would take him into 2023 and he expressed how grateful he is that he’s still able to perform on a TV level.

Dreamer: And other big news, I understand you signed another contract with IMPACT Wrestling.

Swinger: Yeah, one more year in the sun, right?

Dreamer: Now you’re doubling your run brother. Four years.

Swinger: Brother, I’m telling you man and he [Scott D’Amore] said to me, he called me on fourth of July 2019, I was out by the pool so that’s why I remember — he didn’t call me, he sent me a text, said, ‘I got an idea for you in IMPACT, it’ll be fun and easy’ and my response was, ‘When do I start?’ I didn’t ask what it was, I didn’t care because I knew that he knows what to do with me so I’ll just trust in that so it was three weeks after that before he told me what I was finally doing and when I talked to him, he goes, ‘We’ll either get three months out of this or we’ll get three years out of it,’ and you know, obviously he’s still happy with it. They’re offering me another year and there’s a lot of people — I started thinking about all the people I’ve worked with there over the last three years that aren’t around anymore that were really big time talent so, you know, I was just in awe of Ken Shamrock when I first came in, because I never really knew him before that but I got to kind of be friendly with him, really cool guy and I was thinking, you know, after a year-and-a-half, he was gone and I’m still here three years — that makes me feel good that I’m a pliable character that you just cameo into something and you have a good idea and it’s like boom, it’s an easy, simple thing and everybody gets it and I’m just grateful for the chance to come back on a TV level and do this character which it’s not really a character. It’s just what I am and what I’ve seen and I add a lot of color to it and I watch a lot of people.

In addition to the on-screen work Swinger is doing in IMPACT, he also began agenting for the National Wrestling Alliance. Swinger stated that producing is a way he can continue being in the business and still contribute. He added that people do not want to see him in the ring in his 50s.

Dreamer: You agented down in the NWA which you really, really liked and I feel that you can do that as well and I feel that’ll be something for you because think of, like you said, your résumé. You’re one of the few guys, WCW, ECW, WWE, TNA, IMPACT. Lot of people don’t have that and you’ve worked with everybody.

Swinger: And it’s like you just said there, I’ve seen some advertisements of some of the matches I agented and excited, man, I produced that match, you know what I mean? To me, it’s like working… If I come in the ring, have a match this week at TV, it’s the same as producing a match because you’re involved with and they’re asking you, ‘What if I did this’ or, ‘How should I?’ So, we’re a part of the match as a producer too so I could really see that as a future [for] me too. You know, people don’t wanna see me in the ring at 54, you know? This is a way I can continue with the business and still enjoy it and contribute something.

H/T Post Wrestling’s Andrew Thompson. Original article HERE

Swinger is a comedy, gimmick, and one of the best and most consistent parts of the show every week.

Recently, Johnny Swinger took part in the Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match at Bound for Glory, and since then took on Dirty Dango on BTI, in which he lost after Zicky Dice accidentally hit him in the face with a fannie pack.

Johnny has been part of major spots, such as Swinger’s Palace – an illegal pop up casino, and Swinger’s Dungeon – a custom gym that sounds more like a sex room with leather toys.

Swinger has taken Zicky Dice under his was as a protege. Zicky was formerly part of Brian Myers’ learning tree.

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