Teddy Long Recalls Wrestlers Court Because He Sold Viagra

Teddy Long has a weird history in pro wrestling.

Teddy Long is a well respected GM from his time in WWE, in particular, on SmackDown in the mid 2000’s. The WWE Hall Of Famer is also no stranger to being involved with the in ring talent and has even unfortunately found himself in Wrestler’s Court.

When a WWE superstar was considered to be out of line, the locker room would convene Wrestler’s Court to determine their guilt, innocence, or possible punishments. The Undertaker infamously served as the judge. Long was once called for a very peculiar offense.

In an interview with Wrestling Inc., Teddy Long talked about his time before the Wrestler’s Court. He was caught selling viagra. He hired Mae Young as his lawyer.

“They took me to Wrestler’s Court for selling viagra, so I had to get a lawyer. So the lawyer I got was Mae Young.”

I tell Mae Young the whole story. We went into wrestler’s court and the first thing she said everybody popped. She said, ‘Well, I want you guys to know Teddy Long is not guilty of selling that Niagra.’ She couldn’t say it right, so she called it Niagra! That was a great day, but I still was found guilty, so I had to buy buckets of chicken and beer for about two weeks for Bradshaw, ‘Taker, and some more of the boys.”

Teddy Long To Wrestling Inc

What do you make of this tale from Wrestler’s Court? Let us know in the comment section and on our social media pages!

H/T Wrestling Inc.

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