Paul Heyman Calls The WWE Title/Universal Title His Favorite Client

Paul Heyman has had a long career as a manager/agent/advocate/special counsel/however you’d like to say it. With a career like that, he probably gets asked a lot who his favorite client might be. There’s a strong argument to believe it might be Brock Lesnar, given the personal friendship the two have built over Lesnar’s career in the WWE and in UFC, but if you ask Heyman, he’s got quite the unique answer.

Heyman answered this question in an Instagram post, where he cited not a person, but an object as the greatest client he’s ever had.

My favorite client?

I am the winningest manager / Advocate / Special Counsel in history. Most champions, most championship reigns, most number of days representing the top champion. At times, it feels as though THE CHAMPIONSHIP itself is my client.

This photo is of me and what I do. What I’ve done better than anyone. EVER!

Looking after, bringing quality, pride, star power, honor, dignity and respect to the top title in @WWE. Then, Now, Forever.

Heyman’s statistics make it hard to argue. More importantly, his skills on the microphone have made even a match with little build up feel important as he gets the point across to how important the match actually is and the significance of the opponent. Some could argue Heyman pursues the champions, while some could argue Heyman makes the champion who he is. At the end of the day, you can’t deny the success Heyman has had in the positions he’s had no matter what they’re called.

You could probably say that isn’t a spoiler either.

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