Gerald Brisco Breaks Silence On WWE Release

In September, 2020, WWE released more staff and talents that had been furloughed back in April. One of those staff member to be released is the legendary WWE Hall of Famer and WWE Agent, Gerald Brisco.

Gerald Brisco has been very quiet on the release, but this week he sat down with The Tampa Bay Times to discuss the release. Gerald Brisco also went into details of why he loved being a WWE agent, and discussed some of his favourite challenges such as the Kennel From Hell Match between Big Boss Man and Al Snow in 1999.

Gerald Brisco would say of his release,

“I’m okay with it. The way I see it, I earned a break.”

With years of working for WWE under his belt, it was no surprise that having a hiatus would benefit him. Brisco went on to discuss that infamous match in 1999,

“That one was a mess. But I knew it would be and that is why I took it. I always took the most difficult matches because I felt like my job was safe if it went wrong. I didn’t want someone else to get in trouble.”

With his future uncertain, Brisco also went into detail of what he’d like to next,

“I don’t want to drive my wife crazy. I don’t know. Maybe watch more sports?” He also discussed potentially writing a book. “I do have a lot of stories to tell.”

“I’ve been around the world. And I’ve gotten to help build the WWE into an empire from the ground floor. I’m good.”

Whatever he does next, Gerald Brisco is a legend in the wrestling business. It will be interesting to see what stories he does have to tell.

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