NXT Superstars Called Up To WWE Main Roster & Awaiting Debuts

Ringside News have reported that multiple NXT Superstars including Chelsea Green were called up to Monday Night RAW by Paul Heyman. Green was called up way back in December but she was not used at the time despite the rumors going around that she could be in line for a permanent move to the main roster following impressive appearances on RAW, SmackDown, and Main Event.

Green wasn’t the only member of the NXT roster to be called up though. She was joined by Dominik Dijakovic and Arturo Ruas, along with some unnamed talents. They joined Green in not being used, before being sent back to NXT. The other names may refer to Brendan Vink and Shane Thorne. RSN also reported that their potential move to the main roster was called off once Paul Heyman was removed from his position on RAW.

Further to this, RSN also learnt that Green was sent back over to NXT so that she could work a brief program with Robert Stone to gain more experience. She was then called up again along with the aformentionrd names who are still yet to make their official debuts on the main roster. Dijakovic appeared on NXT this past week to fave Keith Lee for his NXT and North American titles.

As of this report, there do not appear to be any immediate plans for the NXT Superstars who were called up. Green has not worked on TV for a number of weeks now, and Dijakovic’s involvement this last week could suggest that plans are on hold for now.

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