The Young Bucks Wish Mauro Ranallo and NXT Good Luck before Wednesday Night Wars Begin

This Wednesday will begin the Wednesday Night Wars between All Elite Wrestling and WWE NXT. There is no telling how long or how short this war will be but wrestling fans should enjoy the upcoming adventure.

Mauro Ranallo tweeted out that he was on his way to Orlando for another major milestone for himself with NXT beginning their two hour shows on USA this Wednesday.

The Young Bucks saw Mauro’s tweet and even replied to the NXT commentator.

Nick Jackson of the Young Bucks wished Mauro and his crew (NXT) good luck. There’s no telling the context of this week if it was meant in a cocky way or if Nick was just wishing good luck to the competition.

A unique tweet nonetheless makes Wednesday’s a little more exciting and for fans if each brand tunes in to the others at one point, this can mean each week WWE and AEW will try to outdo each other to gain your viewership.

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