Latest QR Code Tease During WWE SmackDown Lays Down Heavy Clues

Something new is coming to WWE, and QR codes are appearing everywhere, hinting at an upcoming event. It’s likely we will see a Wyatt 6 stable led by Uncle Howdy, also known as Bo Dallas, Bray Wyatt’s brother. Although Wyatt has passed away, his vision may continue. Fans are eagerly following the clues each week.

During the May 17 SmackDown broadcast, another QR code appeared during the tag team match between DIY and Angel & Bereto. Scanning the code led to an ominous video with repeated voiceovers and multiple glitches.

An interesting detail was the number ‘22423’ in the URL of the web page that opened when the QR code was scanned. This number is a postal code in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where WWE will host its upcoming PLE on May 25, WWE King and Queen of the Ring. The number also corresponds to the date WWE released a video about Bray Wyatt titled ‘Can you keep it a secret’ related to Uncle Howdy, featuring the same voice as the video’s narration.

For weeks, speculation has been rampant that this mystery will culminate in Bo Dallas returning to WWE as Uncle Howdy and possibly leading a faction of other WWE stars.
