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TOP 10 Women Wrestlers Of 2017

Let's face it. . . 2017 was not a great year for anyone, aside from a few things - in which case is the advent of women’s pro wrestling taking a turn! I mean, how bad ass is it that we now have the first women’s Royal Rumble match?! No…

TOP 10 Male Wrestlers Of 2017

To say 2017 was a great year may be reaching a bit. Perhaps a lot. But I like to believe professional wrestling really hit some great strides this past year, not only in World Wrestling Entertainment, but all over the world. Many fans who…

The Broken Universe Awakens!

Here is what you need to know about The Broken Universe of Matt Hardy: it is messed up! Matt Hardy has done something no other wrestler has done and he deserves an award for it, or at least the World Wrestling Entertainment Hall Of Fame.…

Fat Shaming In Pro Wrestling

Let’s face facts, people come in all shapes and sizes. Some individuals are born shorter than others because of their ethnicity or genes; such afflictions as dwarfism sometimes occur as an anomaly, but that is in extreme cases. On the other…