The Usos Should Not Be On The GOAT Debate

Many wrestling fans like to include The Usos on the debate of GOAT tag team, but there case has never been really strong.

To start…. The Usos are a talented tag team but unfortunately their argument for the GOAT Debate is hurt big time by the fact WWE doesn’t care about tag team wrestling and their run shows that.

One major problem to them is that their best work only happens when they face New Day and that match up is on the Cena-Orton territory, meaning that we’ve seen too many March involving both Tag teams.

There’s also the fact you can’t really measure their impact to the wrestling business. The WWE machine pretty much draws automatically, so it’s hard to determine if The Usos have ever been a needle moving act.

Tag teams like The Young Bucks, Lucha Bros and New Day have better cases if we go by modern standards and other metrics.

At the end of the day, The Usos are a good tag team but no where near the GOAT debate despite some people arguing they are.
