Tony Khan Provides Clarification On “Balance of Power” Tweet

Last night, Tony Khan tweeted out that the balance of power in pro wrestling would be shifted with last night’s Dynamite. While many major surprises happened on last night’s show, many fans may not have seen something specifically that would fit that criteria. So what was the context Khan meant?

Speaking with PWInsider, Khan gave clarification on his tweet, pointing out PAC’s storyline in particular as something that will shift power, specifically in regards to the direction things are going with both “The Bastard” and Eddie Kingston.

“There’s more to come, Pac coming back is the beginning of a huge push for the rest of the year, as I said in my last tweet just now. Balance of power in storyline refers to Eddie’s strong power base as a character which could be threatened, but it also refers to the big push AEW is making for the rest of the year into and through December and into 2021.”

PAC’s return could see the hanging thread of the Death Triangle faction resolved among many other things, but we will have time to see things play out according to Khan’s statement. In the meantime, we await PAC’s in-ring return next week on Dynamite. PAC will meet The Blade and maybe this time Miro won’t provide spoilers on Twitch.

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